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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Imax Film
"Indonesia Indah"

IMAX FILM "Indonesia Indah" is initiative of Madame Tien Suharto to present the beauty of Indonesia from
all dimensions. In this way, it is hoped that this film will stir the feeling of pride in the Indonesian
people and increase the feeling of love for their country and the sense of responsibility to participate
in the development of the state.

In addition to that, by screening this film in 40 IMAX and OMNIMAX theatres throughout the world a true
and genuine picture of Indonesia can be presented to the public at large abroard.

Why imax Film System Used?

By using IMAX high techlonogy system, it is hoped that the 30 minute film show, will be able to
captivate the filmgoers and leave them with an unforgettable impression which will inspire them to see
the film again and again.

The making of this film has been entrusted of Mac Gilivray Freeman Films, United States, producers
of the IMAX film "To Fly", which is known to all IMAX theatres throughout the wolrd.
This film has captivated filmgoers in the United States continously since 1976, and is still being appreciated
by audiences at all IMAX theatres.

"Taman Mini Indonesia Indah" Jakarta


* Tuesday to Friday : 12:00 to 16:00

* Saturday : 11.00 to 16:00

* Sunday & Special Holiday : 10:00 to 16:00

* Time schedule could change occasionally

* Discount group is available through booking in advance

Crystal Clear images - 12.000 Watts of Digital Sound - World's Largest Screens

Information : (021) 840 - 1021, 840 - 1036 Fax : 840-1028

For more Information : Please Click Here!

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